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Pearls as best friends
30. Januar bis 14. März 2020 
29.03.20 Sarah_ZAlexieva_Armschmuck 1b W
29.03.20 Veronika_VEybl_Ohrschmuck WEB.j
Z. Alexieva Perlenbrosche 1 WEB.jpg
Totareciclados 2 WEB.jpg
EO 30.01.20 VEybl Bild 2-1 WEB.jpeg
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readymade - instant gratification pearl
the -not so- classic pearl bracelet WEB.
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Andrea Auer PE-Perlen WEB.jpg
PErlen_Foto Auer.jpg
Brosche A. Auer 1 WEB.jpg
29.03.20 Sarah_AAuer_Ohrschmuck.jpg
VeresaEyblCeci n'est pas ...a g
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necklace with Plastidip WEB.jpg
Elisabeth HabigPergament Ohrringe + Perl
Elisabeth HabigPergament Ohrringe + Perl
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29.03.20 Veronika_Ohrschmuck WEB.jpg
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Ela Cindoruk,Ring Titan,2Perlen WEB.jpg
marianneSchliwinski_perlenbrosche2019 5
Pearls have a rich global cultural history and have been used as gems in jewellery for centuries.  They are evocative, conjuring memories of Granny’s pearl necklace or the twinset and pearls that was popular in the 50’s; they are embedded within literary culture, we have sayings such as pearls of wisdom and pearls before swine...
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