Galerie V&V

About us
The gallery V&V was founded in 1982 by the jewellery artists Veronika Schwarzinger and Verena Formanek.
In 1990 V&V moved from Lindengasse to Bauernmarkt 19, in the city center of Vienna.
After the leaving of Verena Formanek to the museum of applied arts, Veronika Schwarzinger controls the gallery on her own. During temporary exhibitions (every 6 weeks) the gallery present artists who left the traditional concept of jewellery behind and dare between applied and fine art.
V&V offers the artists not only the opportunity to exhibit their work in showcases but also to present themselves and their work in an appropriate way. The spectrum of our exhibitions ranges from functional beyond figurative images and objetive jewellery as far as quotes, which break through conventional jewellery concepts.
An important selection criteria is the quality, which relates to the design, the idea and also the craft.
The gallery is also an information and exchange platform which works together with other galleries very closely.
In addition V&V is a member of various organisations, such as: the association for promotion and dissemination of contamporary applied art; the forum for jewellery and design in Cologne; the austrian gallery association; etc. .